row["SDate"] = "2015-04-01";
row["EDate"] = "2015-04-01";
(row["SDate"] == row["EDate"]) ==> false
(row["SDate"].Equals(row["EDate"])) ==> true
(row["SDate"].ToString() == row["EDate"].ToString()) ==> true
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("location.reload()" & vbCrLf)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("location.href=location.href" & vbCrLf)
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
AND Create_Date >= '2014/10/3' And Create_Date < '2014/10/12'
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14720))
And Create_Date > '2014-11-10' And Create_Date < '2014-11-11'
網站開發,善用 Cached DataTable 可以使網站效能倍增,不必一直去資料庫抓資料。
但是使用 Cached DataTable 有一個地方要注意
就是他是 Shared 物件,表示同時有好幾個頁面都可以存取他
由於 Cached DataTable 在 Set DataRow Value 時
可能 Critical Section 沒有處理好,若真的同時多個thread 操作
會出現 Exception
(System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 索引超出範圍。必須為非負數且小於集合的大小。)
'這是 UNT FixPage 物件抓取單一資料的範例
Shared Function GetSpecialPage2FromCachedDT(ByVal Key As Int32) As DB.SpecialPage2
Dim DT As DataTable = GetAllDataFromBaseTableWithCache()
Dim Row As DataRow = DT.Rows.Find(Key)
If Row IsNot Nothing Then
'避免每個thread都共用table 寫入資料會出現問題
Dim newDT As DataTable = DT.Clone()
Return New SpecialPage2(newDT.Rows(0))
Return Nothing
End If
End Function