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<li><div><img src="http://placehold.it/150x150" /></div></li>
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事後翻出IIS Log看結果
發現IIS擋IP有發揮作用(status:403) 但是會有漏網之魚(status:302-其實status是500)
檢查 "23:10:46" 一秒內受到 36 次攻擊 但是漏掉了 8 個 -> 失敗率約兩成
1. 對於阻斷攻擊,可能還需要程式上做處理,例如 begin_request 時檢查
2. Log Parser 真是看 log 最佳工具....
對於PC版大尺吋的螢幕,當網站要 feed 資料到 facebook 時,可以使用 javascript SDK 的
FB.ui => method:'feed' 方式處理,參考位置。此方法會popup小視窗讓user可以分享資料出去。
但是遇到手機版網頁就有點麻煩,實測上手機版的 chrome 會出現轉不停的情況,無法分享;而iPhone則是另開新頁面處理,可以成功但是會多一個分頁。所以手機版網頁建議使用 redirect 方式處理分享機制,參考位置
var fbUrl = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?" +
"app_id=122465741241119&display=touch" +
"&link=" + encodeURIComponent("http://www.shopunt.com/tch/FixPage.aspx?id=525") +
"&picture=" + encodeURIComponent("http://www.shopunt.com/tch/event/2014-nail-enrollment/fb_200x200.jpg") +
"&description=" + encodeURIComponent("市價不斐的光療DIY教學,UNT傾囊相授!10場巡迴免費教學,讓妳輕鬆掌握光療DIY訣竅,並搶先體驗秋冬最新流行色!現場打卡,再送時尚美甲工具組") +
"&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent("http://www.shopunt.com/tch/event/2014-nail-enrollment/Handler.ashx?fun=FBCallback");
當然以 redirect 處理與 javascript 方式處理是兩種不同的方式,redirect 方式的 callback 網址 (redirect_uri)要接收facebook 導回的 post_id , javascript 方式則是 callback function 處理 post_id
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
AND Create_Date >= '2014/10/3' And Create_Date < '2014/10/12'
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14720))
And Create_Date > '2014-11-10' And Create_Date < '2014-11-11'
.mobile-share_fb{ display:block; background:url("http://www.shopunt.com/css/mobile/images/mobile-s9398562778.png") no-repeat; background-position: 0 -1648px; height: 80px; width: 80px;}
.shrink-attr{ background-size: 152px 2104px; width: 40px; height: 40px; background-position: 0 -824px;}
.fb-test{ display:block; background:url("http://www.shopunt.com/images/logo_welcome.jpg") no-repeat; background-size:50% 50%; width: 105px; height: 105px;}
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status === "connected") {
// 已登入FB
else {
// 未登入FB
// 盡量不要在此呼叫 FB.login , 因為彈跳視窗會被擋下來
//呼叫登入 scope:publish_stream 是要讓user同意發文到FB的權限
FB.login(function (response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
// 已登入,可取得 AccessToken
} else {
// 未登入
}, { scope: 'publish_stream' });
// 檢查 user 有無同意發文到FB的權限 (publish_stream)
FB.api({ method: 'users.hasAppPermission', ext_perm: 'publish_stream' }, function (resp) {
if (resp === "1") {
} else {
// 分享連結到登入者的FB牆
// msg 是發文的內容
// link, picture, caption, description 是一組的
var args = {
message: msg,
link: product.Link,
picture: product.Picture,
caption: product.Name,
description: "超高口碑BB霜/CC霜、頂級精華液哪款半價 由你決定!"
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', args, function (response) {
if (response.id) {
// 成功會回傳訊息id
else {
// 分享失敗
method: 'feed',
name: '快去搶!超過9成的使用者滿意推薦的《玻尿酸精華》',
link: 'http://www.shopunt.com/tch/event/2014-aqua-deluge/default.aspx',
picture: 'http://www.shopunt.com/Upload/tch/unt/14mar/fb154x154.jpg',
caption: 'UNT 頂級玻尿酸保濕精華液(奢華)',
description: '熱銷破百萬 真實口碑見證的水感奇肌 逆時補水科技 快速滲透 為肌膚注入高水位……'
function (response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
// handle success
else {