Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
AND Create_Date >= '2014/10/3' And Create_Date < '2014/10/12'
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14278))
Select Id, (IsNull(Total, 0) - IsNull(CouponDiscount, 0) + IsNull(CouponAdd, 0)) as Total, Buyer_Email, EN_Packing_List_Status, EN_Order_Source, En_Stock_Status, Create_Date
From V_Order_main With(Nolock)
Where Id in (select Order_Id from Ad_Trace With(NoLock) where (Parameter_Id = 14720))
And Create_Date > '2014-11-10' And Create_Date < '2014-11-11'
Dim intCount As Integer = If(Convert.IsDBNull(row("count")), 0, Convert.ToInt32(row("count")))
// C#
int intCount = Convert.IsDBNull(row("count")) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(row("count"));
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Public Module DateTimeExtension ''' <summary> ''' 將系統時間轉為當地的時間並轉為字串 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="dtSystem"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> <Extension()> _ Public Function ToCountryDateTimeString(ByVal dtSystem As DateTime) As String If dtSystem = DateTime.MinValue Then Return "n/a" End If Dim cstTime As DateTime = dtSystem.ToCountryDateTime() ' tr-TR -> dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss Dim langCode As String = SHOPUNT.DB.SysConfig.GetSysConfig("DefaultLangCode") Dim culture As New System.Globalization.CultureInfo(langCode) If cstTime.AddMonths(6) < Now Then Return cstTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm", culture) Else Return cstTime.ToString("dd.MMM HH:mm", culture) End If End Function ''' <summary> ''' 將系統時間轉為當地的時間 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="dtSystem"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> <Extension()> _ Public Function ToCountryDateTime(ByVal dtSystem As DateTime) As DateTime Dim cstZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(SHOPUNT.DB.SysConfig.GetSysConfig("DefaultTimeZone")) Dim localZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local Dim cstTime As DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dtSystem, localZone, cstZone) Return cstTime End Function ''' <summary> ''' 將使用者輸入的時間轉為系統時間 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="dtCountry"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> <Extension()> _ Public Function ToSystemDateTime(ByVal dtCountry As DateTime) As DateTime Dim cstZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(SHOPUNT.DB.SysConfig.GetSysConfig("DefaultTimeZone")) Dim localZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local Dim sysTime As DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dtCountry, cstZone, localZone) Return sysTime End Function End Module使用上 只要
DDR("ExpirationDays") = DBNull.Value
// 例如
Title: "....",
Message: "......."
onOKClick: function() {
// handle onclick ok button event
onCancelClick: function() {
// handle onclick cancel button event
StartP = StartP + StartKey.Length
Dim EndP As String = Source.IndexOf(EndKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
' 應該修改為以下寫法 =>
StartP = StartP + StartKey.Length
Dim EndP As String = Source.IndexOf(EndKey, StartP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
0.0005085 No StartP
0.0002082 with StartP
0.0000157 StringComparison.Ordinal with StartP
0.0002768 StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, No StartP
0.0001105 StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase with StartP
0.0002116 StringComparison.CurrentCulture with StartP
0.0002085 StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase with StartP
For I As Int32 = 1 To DT.Rows.Count
If order_num_right = DT.Rows(I - 1)("Pid") Then
Pid_No = I - 1
End If
#OFCL.Pid = DT.Rows(I - 1)("Pid")
Dim NewT As String = oT.Result
NewT = NewT.Replace("#Y#", StartY + (I - 1) * LH)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#序號#", I.ToString)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#品號#", OFCL.Pid)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#品名#", OFCL.Product_Name)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#包裝#", OFCL.Package)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#單位#", OFCL.UNIT)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#數量#", OFCL.Qty)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#箱數#", OFCL.BOX)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#總數量#", OFCL.Total)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#未稅價#", OFCL.Price)
NewT = NewT.Replace("#總金額#", OFCL.Sum)
Res &= NewT
SELECT cast(ProductID AS NVARCHAR ) + ',' from [Order Details]
where OrderID = '10248'
SELECT ',' + ltpid
FROM V_ltp_main WHERE ltpkind = 2
SELECT STUFF('abcdef', 2, 3, 'ijklmn')
select STUFF(
(SELECT ',' + ltpid FROM V_ltp_main WHERE ltpkind = 2 FOR XML PATH(''))
, 1, 1, '')
return Regex.Replace(strInput, keyword,
"<span class='highlight'>$0</span>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);